Article reprinted from "In the Mainstream"
Fall/Winter 1998-1999, p.1

The simple question was "What could be done to encourage homeowners and business people to make certain improvements that would improve the quality of the water in the Norwalk River system, thereby improving the supply of fresh water for drinking and recreation while cleaning up the discharge to Long Island Sound?"

The answer was two pronged: education as to what needed to be done and why the improvements were beneficial and financial incentive. For education, NRWA continues to create informative materials, such as the recent property maintenance and landscaping brochure, to offer projects and programs both on its own and with a variety of interested partners, and to publicize other pertinent training opportunities.

For financial incentive, NRWA approached the Ridgefield Bank. The Ridgefield Bank has offices in Ridgefield, Branchville, Georgetown, and Wilton -- all within the Norwalk River Watershed. Together the organizations worked out a new loan that addresses the very specific concerns both have for the betterment of the Norwalk and other watersheds in the region.

The purpose of this loan was to create another option for homeowners and businesses -- a low-cost, long-term loan presently offered at a guaranteed 5.7% for up to 10 years -- to encourage people to make one or more of several specific improvements to their wells, septic systems, underground fuel tanks, water softeners, driveways, stormwater runoff problems, and vegetated buffers adjacent to streams, ponds, or wetlands.

Under the terms of the loan, applicants agree to make one or more of specific, listed improvements and to refrain from planting certain trees, shrubs, and plants that are considered invasive and are listed in information accompanying the loan. Interested property owners should contact the Ridgefield Bank at 203-438-6518 or at one of the bank's other branch offices for more information.

NRWA is pleased the Ridgefield Bank responded so quickly to this community request. We hope the bank's action will inspire other businesses, organizations, and individuals to think about new ways they can contribute to the betterment of the watershed. If you have any suggestions, NRWA would welcome your call.

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